Monday 9 November 2009

3 Croatian Black-headed gulls on the Miedwie lake!

Miedwie lake is the one of the best places in zachodniopomorskie to watch the roosting gulls. Durning last 2 weekes were observed here 3 Croatian BHG. The white S552, which was at Miedwie also in 10 VII 2008 and S740, S866. A fortune..?!

Actually we know the life history of the S552. Was ringed as an adult in Split on April 2007 and flew 1115 km to the Miedwie lake.

fot. Zbyszek Kajzer

fot. Zbyszek Kajzer

The S552 path.

Pokaż Croatian Black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus) na większej mapie

1 comment:

Luka said...


Nice blog you have:)

I wanted to ask you about these BHGs from Croatia.. we didn't get these data for S740 & S866.. Did you send it?

all the best


coordinator of cr BHG in Croatia