Tuesday, 28 September 2010

My first recovery from the UK

I have just heard from Kane Brides, who observed today my BHG (Larus ridibundus) near Manchester. It's really great news, becouse it's my first record from the UK! The bird was ringed in Swinoujście harbour on the 2nd of May 2010 as an adult. Thanks to Kane for good news and photo.

fot. Marcin Sowa - Świnoujście 02.05.2010

fot. Kane Brides - Pennington Flash Country Park, Leigh 28.09.2010

Pokaż TH34 na większej mapie

Latvian Black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus) on Miedwie Lake

We have autumn at last and the roosting on Miedwie Lake is full of gulls again. On the 25th of September Lukasz observed there Latvian Black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus) with yellow ring the K148. As you can see at CR-BIRDING it's a new project which have started in 2010 and have coordinated by Dmitrijs Boiko.

There was also 1cy Mediterranean Gull (Larus melanocephalus), unlucky without any rings and the Black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus) from polish colour-ring project.

fot. Lukasz Borek - yellow K148

fot. Lukasz Borek

fot. Lukasz Borek - white TN97

fot. Lukasz Borek